2016-17 Fantasy Football Tips
2016-17 Fantasy Football Tips
Last year we absolutely smashed it on Fantasy Premier League! We notched 2,318 points and finished 1,512th out of 3.7 million people which isn’t too bad!
This year we’ve decided to run a 2016-17 Fantasy Football League with a £50 CASH PRIZE for the winner if they can beat us – find out more here.
Here are a few 2016-17 Fantasy Football Tips that will help you rack up those points:
Find the Out of Position Gems
One great way to get the most out of your fantasy football team is to find the players that have been given a different position in the game to where they play in real life. The perfect example of this was Eric Dier last year. He was classed as a defender in the game but actually played in midfield for Tottenham. This meant he would still get the points for a clean sheet when Spurs kept one but was playing further up the field so had a higher chance of getting goals or assists.
Jump on the Bandwagon – Early!
Football is a game of form and every year there are players who go on streaks. The perfect example in Jamie Vardy’s run of scoring in 10 games in a row. By the end of the run almost everyone had him in their team but the real benefits were gained by those who put him in early. The same can be said of players like Ighalo and Mahrez, some managers avoided putting them in their teams early on because they believed the form wouldn’t last. I did this myself with Ighalo, I put off from adding him for too long and lost out on a lot of point because of it. It’s always worth taking the gamble on a form player early to stay ahead of the competition!
Play the Numbers (or take the risk)
Building on our previous comment about form players, there’s always going to be certain players that EVERYONE has in their team. At the end of last season it was rare to see a team without at least one of Mahrez, Payet and Alli! At this point it becomes a numbers game where not having the most popular players is just too risky. If a player has a very high selection rate you risk falling behind massively by not having him as so many managers will be getting the points. Having them in your team wont necessarily make you fly up the ranks but it will stop you falling down the ranks by not having them!
The Aguero Dilemma
A perfect example of these high selection rate players is Sergio Aguero. There are two types of teams in Premier League fantasy football – those with Aguero and those with. Aguero is the most expensive player on fantasy football by a long shot, but he’s almost guaranteed goals when he plays! It means taking hits elsewhere in being able to afford him but if you don’t include him you could be left behind. My success last season was primarily down to Aguero. I had him captained when he scored 5 early in the season – a reward from keeping the faith after a few goalless displays. Plus I had him triple captained in his double game week where he notched me 75 points! Needless to say – he was the first name on my teamsheet this year. Build your team around him.
Use Your Chips + Wildcards Wisely
This is probably the most important of our 2016-17 Fantasy Football Tips – be careful when you use your triple captain, bench boost, all out attack and wildcards (you get a second one in the new year if you’ve used your first!). As mentioned above, using my triple captain at the right time got me 75 points! It took a lot of patience to avoid using it until the double gameweek on game 34 of the season but it paid off. Using your triple captain when your player is playing twice in one week sounds simple but so many people got carried away and used it too early. The double gameweeks aren’t yet confirmed for the 2016/17 FPL season but there’s bound to be some as fixtures get rearranged due to cups etc as the season progresses. The bench boost is another great chip that’s best used on a double fixture week. Many managers saved a wildcard to make unlimited transfers in order to use their bench boost and get double points for 15 players. Plan in advance, know when the double gameweeks are and take advantage of them!
Put all these 2016-17 Fantasy Football Tips in place? Make sure to join our Free Fantasy Football League with a £50 Cash Prize for the Winner!
Fantasy Football Cash Prize League
And if you’re betting on the Premier League this year don’t forget to read our guide to accumulators!
August 5, 2016 / [email protected] / Comments Off on 2016-17 Fantasy Football Tips
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